Thank You Letters
For Market Animal Exhibitors:
A list of all buyers for each exhibitor will be texted out to the Remind texting group and sent to all club/chapter leaders shortly after the Sale. It will contain the name and address of your buyer.
An original “Thank You” letter to your buyer must be received in the Fair office no later than March 14, 2025. DO NOT SEND A COPY. You may also mail your letters to: Southeastern Youth Fair, PO Box 404, Ocala, FL 34478. A postmark date is acceptable. You may deliver letters to the Fair office at 2232 NE Jacksonville Road. DO NOT DELIVER THEM TO EITHER THE 4-H OFFICE, THE EXTENSION OFFICE OR THE LIVESTOCK PAVILION OFFICE. There is a black dropbox located by the front door of the SEYF office. If the office is closed, please leave your letter in the box. Also, included with the letter should be an UNSEALED, STAMPED ENVELOPE ADDRESSED TO THE BUYER.
Letters received or postmarked after March 14th will result in a $100.00 fine. The fine will be deducted from the exhibitors animal sale check.
AT THE MINIMUM: All letters must include three paragraphs with a minimum of nine (9) sentences, using the following format:
- Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself
- name, age, school, club/chapter, what other shows you participate in, etc.
- Paragraph 2: tell what the project is (goat, lamb, steer, swine) and describe what you learned from the project. Do not just say “I learned responsibility” or “I learned time management,” but explain how you learned it and why it is important.
- Paragraph 3: Express your appreciation and tell how you intend to use these funds. Remember that anything earned over the market price is a gift from your buyer, so thank them accordingly. MAKE SURE YOU SIGN IT. All typed or computer generated letters REQUIRE a written signature. Place your goat, lamb, steer, or swine tag number underneath your signature.
Letters that do not meet the minimum 9 sentence requirement will be returned to the exhibitor to be re-written.
Exhibitors will not be paid until your “Thank You” letter is received and approved and payment from the buyer is received.
CLICK HERE for 2024 SEYF Goat Buyer Thank you List
CLICK HERE for 2024 SEYF Lamb Buyer Thank you List
- Barn Committee members will be in either red shirts or wear a nametag for better visibility.
- Barn will close 1/2 hour prior to shows and sales and will only be open to those with armbands.
- Rubber armbands will be provided to leaders so they can use them all week.
- **LEADERS – Please help the barn committee by making yourself easily identifiable as a leader (i.e., nametag, shirt, etc). Your armband will help during shows obviously, but any clarity on who is leadership will help the committee know who to reach out to when necessary.
The success of our show and our children’s projects would not be possible without the generosity of our buyers. A thank you letter is the professional and appropriate response to such a wonderful business transaction. Remember that a timely, neat, and heartfelt act of gratefulness is expected and required to be a part of the Southeastern Youth Fair. In addition, sponsors make our shows possible. Recognizing their work and generosity is imperative as well.
Should all letters be sent in the mail?
It’s encouraged to set up appointments to visit your buyer, even bringing them a thank you gift or plaque! This is a great time for your child to practice personal communication and professionalism. However, the thank you letters must come to the SEYF office in an UN-sealed, stamped, addressed envelope. We record that the letter has been reviewed, meets requirements, and then is mailed from the SEYF office.
Is it better to hand-write or type letters?
There is no rule on this one either. However, there are many long-time buyers who love getting hand-written letters. This is your choice according to your child’s level and style. You can include pictures as well.
Letter writing is not my expertise. How do I help guide my child to write an appropriate letter?
We all have our strengths and weaknesses. If your child is not the best at writing letters, below are some resources to help guide them. You can also always ask your chapter or club leader to proofread the letters before sending them out. Remember to review the requirements. Below are some examples for reference as well. Letters don’t have to be perfect, but they should be heart-felt, informational, professional, and neat.