The purpose of the Plant ID Contest is to acquaint youth with plant types and their useful parts and products. Participation in this event enables the contestant to better select, buy, use, grow, sell, and appreciate the offerings of plants.
In the Plant ID Contest, the participant is required to identify over 40 different specimens by viewing some part of the plant, whether it be a piece of the leaf, stem, flower, or root.
Senior contestants must be able to identify the plant with both the common and the scientific (Latin) name. So the next time you sit in the shade of a beautiful live oak tree, think of it as a Quercus virginiana and remember the many young people competing in the challenging Plants ID Contest!
Is my child eligible? Any student older than 8 years of age and up, who pays entry fee, is a member of a 4H club or FFA chapter, and who lives in or attends a school in Marion County may enter this contest.
How much does it cost? $2 entry fee.
2024 Winners
Junior – Ainsley Gill, Majestic Oaks 4H
Intermediate – James Heide-Harrison, Belleview Middle FFA
Senior – Lilian Lagos, West Port High FFA
Team Junior – Majestic Oaks 4H Club
Team Intermediate – Osceola Middle FFA
Team Senior – Vanguard High FFA, Team B
Thank You Plant
ID Sponsors
Russ & Priscilla Randall
Mid-Florida Community Credit Union
Yard Stop